About Us

We are a specialty store for mesh bodies.
We carry 'high quality' applier clothing, mesh coordinates, and accessories that are made to be used exclusively with your mesh avi. We can help you make a beautiful outfit. Our designs coordinate flawlessly with our meshes as well as those of other designers. Applier tights, jeggings, and yoga pants are just some of the items we offer. New to mesh? Take advantage of the Knowledge base contained in this blog or available inworld in our lobby. We use Omega Advanced appliers which work with most of the popular mesh bodies. Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink are supported. Complete list of supported meshes here.

Holiday Gift Gallery

The Joy of Giving - A Special Way to Deliver Your Holiday Gifts

The season of giving will soon be upon us, and Second Life is no exception. It is the time to honor loved ones and family with gifts

from our hearts. Unfortunately it's a little harder to enjoy gift giving because of the constraints of our Second World. It's so much more fun and meaningful to be in their presence when they receive their special present from you.

Here is an idea from Body Essentials. Shop Body Essentials Gift Gallery (link soon to come) and pick out your gifts. Log in and add your purchases as a gift to your shopping cart. Your cart will be saved until you delete it or make your purchase. An alternative would be to save your gifts to your favorites. Then when that special time arrives inworld, simply go to your Market Place account and make your purchase. Your gift will be delivered to that special someone at exactly the time of your choosing. Don't forget to include a sweet gift message when prompted.

You can make your purchase inworld by visiting our shop and looking for the Gallery of Gifts terminal located in our lobby, or simply click the posted Marketplace Link. Our Gallery of Gifts will be available beginning Black Friday (for our international friends Friday November 26th, 2015). Whether it's Merry Christmas!, Happy Holidays! or Happy Hannakuh, best to all of our Second Life customers for a wonderful and joy filled holiday season!

Koko Ashworth

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Koko - Our New Direction

First of all 'thanks' to our loyal customers.  Our group currently numbers more than 5,800 members and we value each and every one of you.

Koko began creating beautiful clothing in 2008.  Since then Second Life has changed tremendously in terms of technology and so must we.  Gone are the days of system clothing embellished with sculpts and flexis.  It's a whole new 'Second World' with the introduction of mesh bodies and heads.

I recently purchased my first mesh body and head and realized how complicated and daunting it can be just getting dressed, and I'm a creator.  What must it be like for our end users like yourselves.  I also realized that while there is a lot of information and product available, it is scattered and hard to find and a lot of it is not even available on Marketplace.  So I became a woman with a mission.  I wanted to create a store with everything under one roof.  To that end we will soon be opening Body Essentials by Koko.

With Body Essentials we hope to fill in all the blanks for our valued customers.  We are proud of our Knowledge Base located in the front lobby of our shop and hope those of you who are new to mesh will take advantage of it.  The same information will also be located on this blog.  If you are considering buying a mesh body and/or head you may want to read some of the information before you make your final purchase.

In order to serve the widest customer base we have chosen Omega Advanced Systems as our applier.  They are currently supported by Maitreya, Belleza, and most recently Slink as well as many more.  With Omega appliers, we can provide product for over 90% of all mesh avis.  Click on the Omega Logo located on the left sidebar to see a complete list of supported meshes.

After a long hiatus from 'New Releases' we will be releasing and in some cases releasing modified versions of some of our old favorites to work exclusively with mesh bodies.  We will no longer be releasing standard system clothing, only those with appliers which cannot be used on the standard Linden Labs avi.  Along side our applier clothing we will be releasing new mesh clothing which will include the alpha layers and will still work with the LL standard avi.  While we will not be adding to our collection of standard clothing, all of your favorites will still be available on Marketplace.

Our products will include applier tops, tights, leggings, and jeans to name a few.  These items will not only work with our coordinating mesh clothing but will work beautifully to fill in the blanks when wearing meshes from some of your favorite designers.

Look for reviews, outfits, general information and new releases in the coming days and weeks on this blog, as we launch a new phase of Koko design. We feel mesh avatars are the future and we want to be a part of it in a big way.

We will be announcing the launch of our new Body Essentials by Koko inworld store soon.  Stay tuned for the big announcement!